Thursday, April 17, 2008

Encounter with a Black Cobra and The "Gaan Mela"

Yesterday it was some day for me!!
We went to "Bantala", a place very near to Kolkata which is a village!! We shot in the paddy fields there for my show "Anurodher Asor" and was returning.
It was a narrow divider(aal). In one side there was a dirty pond and on the other side thick mud!
We were about six people walking on the divider with no place to step out or go back!
Suddenly we saw a black cobra coming towards us!!

There was no place to step aside!!
If the Cobra doesn't change it's path we have no place to run!! In one side of the divider (aal) there was a dirty pond (which was surely home for lot more snakes!) and on the other side there was 2ft deep mud, which can also be very dangerous!!

Our Director is a very calm headed person!!
No matter what happens he remains cool!
He just screamed "ore baba re"[God help us] and jumped over the coming snake!!
In the manner he screamed it was like a mosquito has just bitten him and it's not a big deal!!

Next was our camera person who was also carrying the camera!! He hopped stepped and jumped!! The snake passed by! There was only inches difference between the snake and his leg!
May be his jump made the snake angry!!
The snake suddenly raised his "fana"(hood)!
At that time we realized it's a Black Cobra!!
It had a reach of at least 3feet!!

I have never seen such a huge venomous snake in open!! The snake was irritated and was just coming towards me!!

I screamed out loud and jumped in the mud!!
I screamed so hard that my voice got cracked!!
May be because of that jump the snake also changed it's path and went down to the pond!! That way people behind me were saved!!
But due to my jump in the thick mud I twisted my ankle and had a sprain in my waist!

But thank God we were all safe!!
Black Cobra is a sub species of Indian or Spectacled cobra. Black Cobras are normally seen in North India and in Pakistan.

I think the Cobra we encountered with was at least 8ft long!!
Here is a picture of how a Black Cobra looks like:

Even after that nerve jerking incident we continued shooting at other locations!
We went to "Gaan Mela" [Fair of Songs] in the Nandan, Academy of Fine Arts and Rabindra Sadan area! It's a huge fair, and we spotted lot of eminent singers including Pratik Chowdhury there.
We visited the "Prime Music" stall there! And to my delight I found my posters on the wall!!
At the end of the day it feels nice!!
If you visit "Gaan Mela" surely do visit the Prime Music stall. Also there is show going on every evening at Rabindra Sadan!!

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